Real estate agents face some of the toughest competition in the search space. Thousands of agents all competing for the same of near-identical key phrases and trying to capture one of ten spots when shooting for the first page of search results. How can they gain an edge over the competition? What will it take to set their site apart from the masses?

Elise Wright from Famous writes an excellent article entitled “21 keys To Link Bait Success” with the focus on what real estate agents can do to increase their search engine visibility as well as drive quality traffic to their sites.

The article first defines six areas or styles of link baiting – news, contrary, attack, resource, humor and fear. I won’t go into detail here of what each of those areas consist of as Elise does an excellent job describing each. She then leads into the 21 tips of which I will provide a few below.

6. Broaden Your Horizons

Don’t get stuck in a rut of only writing content about real estate. People care about what affects them, and there are a million things you can tie into your site’s content. Give people what they want. Talk about life and give your readers the opportunity to connect with you.

15. Readers Have Needs Too

Get a feel for what your readers are passionate about and USE THAT KNOWLEDGE. Cliffhangers, up-and-coming posts, and articles that will leave your loyal readers chomping at the bit for more are incredibly effective… if you know what they like.

19. Maintain Your Good Name

Your reputation is at stake every time you link to another site. When you link to a site, think of it as an endorsement. Your readers will follow the links you bring them because they have confidence in your ability to sniff out the noteworthy material. Be certain that you will not regret the backing of another site.

David Wallace

David Wallace

David Wallace, co-founder and CEO of SearchRank, is a recognized expert in the industry of search and social media marketing. Since 1997, David has been involved in developing successful search engine and social media marketing campaigns for large and small businesses.

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