How To Embed Facebook Live Stream Video Into Your WordPress Site

How To Embed Facebook Live Stream Video Into Your WordPress Site

Sure it is easy enough even for the novice to embed a Facebook Live video that has already been published into your web site with a simple link or embed code, but what about a “live streaming” Facebook Live video, as it is happening live? This is not as straight-forward. At least not until now!

How Content Length Affects SEO and Conversions

How Content Length Affects SEO and Conversions

Content is the driving force behind many online marketing campaigns whether it is SEO, paid search or social media. However, there is always a debate as to which is better – long form or short form content. To help solve this dilemma, here is an infographic that explores how content length affects SEO and conversions.

Secrets To Winning in Zero-Click SERPs

Secrets To Winning in Zero-Click SERPs

Over time, Google has learned how the average consumer behaves and has adapted their search results to produce zero-click results in the form of featured snippets, Google My Business listings and answer boxes. While this be beneficial to the searcher, it makes it all the more difficult for web sites to capture that coveted organic search results space.

Google: How Do I Optimize a Site for Voice Search?

Google: How Do I Optimize a Site for Voice Search?

The age of voice search is upon us, with voice assistants in our mobile phones and smart devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home at our homes. “Hands-free” searching is the new way to find information. But a new method of search means new requirements for your web site. This is leading marketers to ask the all-important question, “How do I optimize my site for voice search?”

A Complete Guide to Using Infographics for Lead Generation

A Complete Guide to Using Infographics for Lead Generation

Infographics are powerful digital assets that you can incorporate into your lead generation. Recent studies reveal that 42% of marketers say that infographics and other forms of original graphics are their most engaging type of content. This high visibility can be used to attract leads in many ways, from content offers to email marketing campaigns.

A Small Business Guide to Google Analytics

A Small Business Guide to Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows marketers to learn just about every interaction the outside world has with your web site. It can be utilized to discover information regarding your visitors and what actions they take while they are on your site. Having this knowledge allows marketers to make adjustments to optimize site performance as well as the ability to convert.

A Small Business Guide to YouTube Marketing

A Small Business Guide to YouTube Marketing

It is estimated that by the year 2021, a million minutes of video will cross the Internet every second of each day! If that was astounding enough, many experts are predicting that by the end of  2019, video content will account for 80% of all internet traffic. With 1.3 billion annual YouTube users, small businesses everywhere are getting more serious about video marketing.

A Small Business Guide to Advertising on Instagram

A Small Business Guide to Advertising on Instagram

As more and more brands join Instagram and the feed becomes more competitive, it can be harder for a small business to stand out among all of the noise. Enter in – Instagram Ads, which have become an enticing avenue for businesses looking to increase engagement on Instagram. To help SMBs compete, here is a visual guide to advertising on Instagram.

All Links are Not Created Equal: 20 Ways Google Values Links

All Links are Not Created Equal: 20 Ways Google Values Links

Moz  recently featured 20 principles of link valuation that have been observed and tested by SEOs. In some cases, these have been confirmed by Google and in other cases, they have actually been patented. You can check out the entire post here and we have featured the “20 ways Google values links” visuals from the post below.

5 Ways to Optimize Content to Rank Higher on Voice Search

5 Ways to Optimize Content to Rank Higher on Voice Search

Voice search is growing rapidly which has marketers scrambling to make sure their content can be served up for voice searches. It is expected that by 2020, 50% of all searches will be conducted by voice. Creating optimized content which can rank well in voice search results is now a goal of many SEOs and content marketers.