How To Improve Conversion Rates for eCommerce Product Pages

How To Improve Conversion Rates for eCommerce Product Pages

One of the ultimate goals in eCommerce is to attract online shoppers who are interested in what you have to offer. Getting them there is half the battle. The second half is converting these shoppers into paying customers. The way eCommerce product pages are laid out can play a huge role on whether potential shoppers will become paying shoppers. Poorly designed product pages, lack of features that will enhance the shopping experience of your visitors, can kill the sale and even worse, push shoppers off to a competing site. 

Content Marketing: 5 Essential Metrics to Watch

Content Marketing: 5 Essential Metrics to Watch

Developing and publishing content on a consistent basis has many benefits to online marketing. It can help improve your overall SEO strategy, increase social sharing and brand awareness, drive traffic to your web site and even create opportunities to earn those coveted inbound links. As often as you publish new content and the quality of such content, how is one to know if their content marketing strategy is effective or not?

5 Things To Always Include in Infographic Design

5 Things To Always Include in Infographic Design

Infographics have been around for some time now. A well-designed, resourceful infographic can stand out from all the others. But how does one go about creating an infographic that is going to get the attention of many and result in a positive ROI?  In the following infographic, discover 5 important things to always in your infographic.

Epic Local SEO Strategies to Pave the Way Into 2019

Epic Local SEO Strategies to Pave the Way Into 2019

What defines “success” for the local business? Ultimately, I’d say it’s all about conversions. It’s about how many people walk in the door, versus how many people actually make a purchase or order a service. Unfortunately, the volume of competition that exists today can make it much more difficult to convert seeking consumers into paying customers. To overcome the challenges of local, and sometimes national competition, business owners need to implement digital marketing strategies like Local SEO (search engine optimization).

16 On-Page SEO Best Practices

16 On-Page SEO Best Practices

SEO has become a multi-faceted online marketing strategy that entails optimizing web sites and pages, link building, social media, content marketing and even online reputation management. All can play a role in an effective SEO strategy. Foundational to this is on-page SEO. The term “on-page SEO” refers to those SEO best practices that can be applied to web pages and/or a web site as a whole. .

Building Brand Advocates

Building Brand Advocates

Who and what are “brand advocates” anyway? These consist of satisfied customers who are more than happy to advocate and even actively promote a company’s products and/or services to those in their influence (i.e., friends, family, social media network, etc.). Besides offering a great product or an valuable service, how can a company empower brand advocates that will help increase business? Here are 12 tactics to build brand advocates.

Even Web Designers Aren’t Safe From the Money Order Scam

Even Web Designers Aren’t Safe From the Money Order Scam

Here’s an interesting twist on the typical Money Order Scam. In this case, a potential customer used our general contact form and asked us if we could “handle website design for a new company” and also “if we accept credit cards?” We played along up until the scam was revealed and then turned the tables on the scammer.

How Long Before My Site Ranks in Google?

How Long Before My Site Ranks in Google?

It is a question I get again and again and again, from those with new sites as well as though with old sites that are less than SEO-friendly. A typical answer would be, “Well it all depends…” which is not far from the truth. With so many variables to consider including the site’s domain authority, on-page SEO best practices, off-page SEO factors as well as competing sites, one site can rank on the first page of Google faster than another.

Why You Should NOT Use GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting

Why You Should NOT Use GoDaddy Managed WordPress Hosting

For those who desire to have a Wordpress driven web site but do not fully understand how to move from desire to implementation, GoDaddy’s Managed Wordpress Hosting can seem like a no-brainer. With instant Wordpress installation, there is literally nothing that a customer has to do to set up Wordpress. However, GoDaddy’s Wordpress hosting has some serious limitations that you want to be aware of before you make the move.

How To Look Confident (Even If You Are Not)

How To Look Confident (Even If You Are Not)

An infographic on being confident has little to do with online marketing. However, it does have a whole;e lot to do with success! And that is what we are all aiming for in our marketing efforts, right? Displaying confidence can help you when you are giving a presentation at a conference or making a pitch. It can help you land that new client. It can even help you land a job.