7 Common Mistakes When Marketing Infographics

7 Common Mistakes When Marketing Infographics

Infographics are all the rage these days. They are a powerful form of content marketing that can attract a lot of eyeballs – if done right! However, even with all the factors that contribute to a great infographic, if the infographic is not marketed effectively, then what is the point?

Optimizing For Local Search

Optimizing For Local Search

Here is a great visual guide to help local businesses learn how to rule the local search results. While you can view the entire infographic towards the end of this post, I thought I break out the tips in textual format for those few folks that still love to read articles.

What Social Media Platforms Are Best For Your Business?

What Social Media Platforms Are Best For Your Business?

There are currently so many social media sites in existence that oftentimes it is difficult to know which one or ones a small to medium sized business should focus on. The following infographic takes a look at six top social media platforms and analyzes what types of businesses are best suited for each platform.

6 Common Infographic Design Mistakes

6 Common Infographic Design Mistakes

While there are a lot of great infographics that are being produced these days, there are also a lot of bad ones. This post looks at some common mistakes people make when designing infographics.

Twitter For Businesses

Twitter For Businesses

No doubt there is a lot of nonsense that occurs everyday on Twitter but isn’t this the case for any social media site? Selfies, foodie pics, location statuses, what your cat did for the day and the list goes on. But is Twitter good for business? Thousands upon thousands of businesses would say an absolute “Yes!”

How To Increase Your Twitter Engagement By 324%

How To Increase Your Twitter Engagement By 324%

Twitter is great! In fact, I don’t know what I’d do without it or what I did before it existed. It is such a great tool to not only push content and communicate with people in our fast-paced world, it is a wonderful platform for engagement. But with all the noise occurring every second on twitter, how does one get the most bang for time spent?

200 Google Ranking Factors (Guesstimate)

200 Google Ranking Factors (Guesstimate)

While Google have never fully disclosed all of the ranking factors that are part of their search algorithm, they have said on many a occasion that there are around 200 or so of them. Single Grain and Backlinko decided to put together the following infographic which is the best “guesstimate” of what those ranking factors might be.

PubCon 2013 Las Vegas Presentations

Here are links to the slide decks for the two presentations I gave at PubCon Las Vegas 2013. I presented in two sessions, one entitled “Convergence of Social Media & Search” and the other entitled “Proactive Link Campaign Tactics.”

Why Pinterest Is Good for Business

Why Pinterest Is Good for Business

Pinterest has a great potential for brand promotion where companies can present their products to a large number of eager customers. The following infographic makes a case as to why Pinterest is good for business.

2013 SEO Ranking Factors – Rank Correlation Google USA

2013 SEO Ranking Factors – Rank Correlation Google USA

Every savvy Internet marketer worth their salt wants to know – what do web pages that are well positioned in Google have in common and what distinguishes them from lower ranking pages? To answer this question, SearchMetrics examined 300,000 URLs appearing in the top search result positions for the presence and extent of certain properties.