Is SEO Dead?

I was visiting Small Business Ideas Forum today as part of my daily routine and came across the following article written by Stoney deGeyter – SEO is Dead. My first thought was, ‘Is he serious?’ Now Stoney is an SEO himself and fellow moderator with me on this forum so I had to take a look at the article.

What Does Google Know About Your Domain Name?

When Google became a domain registrar back in February 2005, people began to wonder what they were up to. Nick Wilsdon, also known as NickW on many forums, shares with us what information Google might have access to as a domain name registrar in an article entitled, ‘What does Google know about your domain names?’

The Battle Between Web Designers and SEO

I came across an interesting thread over at Search Engine Watch Forums today entitled ‘Do Designers Hate SEO?’ Forum member glengara questioned whether all-Flash sites should be used in the commercial web.

The Continual Evolution of Search Engine Marketing

While these are still essentials of SEM, marketing one’s site via the search engines is a much more involved process these days. With the increase in web pages and documents in the search indices as well as the number of webmasters marketing for top positions, SEM is much more competitive, no matter what industry you are in.

Ingredients of a Search Engine Friendly Site

All web site owners want to be number 1 for keyword phrases relevant to their business, or at least on the first page. In order to obtain these prized positions, search engines have to make the decision that your site deserves that prestigious position. How do we help the search engines come to this conclusion?

The Nightmares of a SEO 

A successfyul SEO strategy has been implemented and all seems to be going well. Then one day while performing maintenance on this campaign, you notice a rapid drop in rankings. Traffic has decreased as well. You wonder why and begin to investigate. To your horror you discover that they have completely redesigned the web site and in the process, removed all of the optimization you developed. All your work has been flushed right down the drain!

Traditional Search Engine Optimization VS. Pay Per Click

With the current rise of pay per click (PPC) advertising services, professional search engine optimization companies are having to deal more and more with the issue of why their clients should spend money on traditional SEO when they can simply buy their way to the top with PPC.