How Content Length Affects SEO and Conversions

How Content Length Affects SEO and Conversions

Content is the driving force behind many online marketing campaigns whether it is SEO, paid search or social media. However, there is always a debate as to which is better – long form or short form content. To help solve this dilemma, here is an infographic that explores how content length affects SEO and conversions.

Content Marketing: 5 Essential Metrics to Watch

Content Marketing: 5 Essential Metrics to Watch

Developing and publishing content on a consistent basis has many benefits to online marketing. It can help improve your overall SEO strategy, increase social sharing and brand awareness, drive traffic to your web site and even create opportunities to earn those coveted inbound links. As often as you publish new content and the quality of such content, how is one to know if their content marketing strategy is effective or not?

Leveraging Video Marketing for Business

Leveraging Video Marketing for Business

Can you recall instances where relatives or friends say they prefer watching a video demonstration than reading a paperback or even just a short article? You can point your finger to the fast-paced digital world, but the primary reason why it seems more convenient to watch a video than read write-ups is because we are visual beings.

Viva Infographics!

Viva Infographics!

During Pubcon Vegas 2015, I had the opportunity to present on infographics and discussed why infographics kick ass, encouraged those in attendance not to compromise on design, presented some tips on how to promote infographics socially, talked about some ways that infographics can be re-purposed and finally showcased three case studies.

Measuring Content Marketing

Measuring Content Marketing

Content marketing is an effective way to move people through a conversion funnel by building awareness, supporting consideration and converting people into leads and customers, as well as product and brand advocates. Check out the following infographic to learn more about how to measure content marketing and how it is a great way to expose consumers to your brand.