How To Pick the Best WordPress Hosting Provider
If you fit the scenario of having a single Wordpress powered web site, then here is a nifty infographic that provides details on how to pick the best Wordpress hosting provider.
If you fit the scenario of having a single Wordpress powered web site, then here is a nifty infographic that provides details on how to pick the best Wordpress hosting provider.
Let’s face it: designing a website is hard. No matter which program or language you use, it’s tedious. You won’t get it in one shot. Everything is a great exercise of trial and error. There will be glitches, misalignments, broken links, elements, etc., to fix. Getting the right sizes for your texts and images will consume many hours as well.
From the simple look of Google to the airplane tracker map of Flightradar24, web designs have the power to intrigue. With intricate details or bold colors, a webpage becomes the thing a nethead will look at for an amount of time.
Addressing web design concerns including boring layouts, complex graphics, and lousy typefaces – maximizes your online impact. There are different web design techniques, but what works best for our ever-shortening attention spans is a single page design, also known as parallax scrolling.
I love Wordpress for its ease of use, clean code (if you have the right theme), friendliness with SEO and availability of free plug-ins. However, if you fail to properly secure your Wordpress application, it can quickly fall prey to hackers and malicious spammers. The following infographic highlights some of the most popular security plugins among Wordpress users
DIYtheme’s Thesis Theme for Wordpress is one of the best overall themes you can use in your Wordpress applications. It’s only downfall? It’s pretty plain looking out-of-the-box. This post will reveal some simple steps one can take to customize Thesis, providing your Wordpress driven web site a custom look and feel.
If you thought Wordpress was only useful for blogging, you’re wrong. It also serves as a great content management system. And while Wordpress itself is relatively easy to set up for the intermediate to expert webmaster, it can pose a degree of difficulty for the novice. Not any more. A new service called Page.ly will allow even the most novice webmaster to set up a functioning Wordpress site with custom theme, hosting and email in minutes.
I have seen it happen time and time again. The decision is made to redesign the company web site. There could be a variety of reasons for this – the site needs a fresh design to bring it up to date, the company is looking to create a more user friendly experience, a new content management system (CMS) is being added or some other reason. However, in he process regard for search engine visibility is not included in the overall plan. The new site is launched and everyone waits for the traffic to pour in but for some reason it doesn’t. In fact, traffic declines. Sales drop. The CEO is demanding answers. What happened and who’s fault is it?